Empower busy people to prioritize their health and fitness.


My Story

In 2019, I quit my full-time job to start The 1440 when I realized that everyone claimed to have the same excuse for not working out - they don’t have time.

I get it, we’re busy and working out isn’t always fun. But less than 20% of Canadians meet the weekly recommended target for physical activity. If we don’t make time now, we won’t have time later.

I’ve helped hundreds of people get moving again and achieve a level of fitness they never had before. I use real strength and conditioning principles - not Tik Tok workouts or influencer products. My goal is to make a difference in my community through fitness, and to show people that they can achieve any physical goal they set their mind to.


Three Different Ways I Can Help You

01. Forty friday

Every Friday morning, you’ll receive an email from me sharing a story about strength with actionable takeaways and a free workout.


Training programs for any goal. Get video demos, detailed workout tracking, and a supportive community on my app.

03. personal training

If you live in the KW area and you want to work together, join my waitlist and I’ll reach out when a spot opens up!


“You get 1440 minutes every single day. Make it count.”